Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Farewell to My Beloved 3rd Floor

As mentioned in the last post, I got a new job! I had my first shift today and all I can say is wow. I'm exhausted! My little brain is tired. I learned more today than I have in the last month! I love this new learning curve and I'm excited to see what the future brings. More on that later. For now, a look back on 3rd floor. Currently known as the Progressive Care Unit, the 3rd floor serves as "step-down" unit for the ICU. AKA, it's a catch all floor. I learned so much during my time there and grew immensely as a nurse and a person. Some of my best friendships were started at that nurses station. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to work there! Here's a few pics:

The good old days. Ellen, Wendy, JoJo, and Whitney.
An old pic! Only one still works on 3rd.
Char and I at the summer party.
Summer Party
3rd floor girls at Meg's baby shower.
Ghazal. My favorite pharmacist in the WHOLE world.
Oh just Mandi and I modeling our sweet pens.
Halloween on the PCU.
Christmas Party 2012. JoJo, Kiarra, and Whitney.
One of my last days on the floor.
Some of my favorite girls! Celeste, Meg, and JoJo.
Last pic of my PCU name badge. I was slightly sunburned for that pic!

Saying goodbye to my locker. 
Charlotte. One of my best friends and my ex-educator :(
Goodbye PCU!

Monday, April 15, 2013


As I've mentioned before on here, my life is completely different from a year ago. Like almost unrecognizable. Every change has been for the better! Don't get me wrong, I still have crap days. Down days. And depressed weeks. But, overall life is good. And I'm happy. So happy. The past two weeks have been particularly good! My dating life has had a much needed kick start...although I'm pretty sure it's going to be short lived. Oh well! My work life is what I wanted to share and what I'm most excited about. When I graduated from nursing school 4 years ago (I can hardly believe it's been that long!), I avoided even applying for jobs in Utah County. I hated Provo and had no interest in ever living here. Well, one day a residency job was posted for UVRMC and I guilt tripped my self into applying. I of course got the job and promised myself I would be here a year. It's been 3.5 and I have no immediate plans of leaving. So much for my plan! Long story short, I spent my first two weeks at UVRMC on the ICU as an intro to the hospital and I loved it. Maybe it was the super hot nurse that I was with. Or the amazing things I got to do and see. I had never seen patients like that during school in the tiny Logan hospital...these were real ICU patients. All I remember is loving it...and him in those green scrubs...ahhh the memories. After the two weeks there, I accepted a job on the 3rd floor/Progressive Care Unit (adult critical care). The 3rd floor raised me and raised me quick. I had to learn fast! It's been good to me, I've made amazing friends, and long gone are my baby nurse days. I have an amazing schedule and I'm high on the seniority list. Why would I want to leave this sweet gig? Because, ever since those two weeks all those years ago, I knew where I wanted to be. I've been "ready" for a couple of years but now is finally the right time! I applied, waited a stressful week, interviewed, waited another stressful week, and then I got the call from HR offering me the job! My pay drops because I won't be charging anymore, my schedule is going to suck doing a 12 week day/night rotating shift, and I'm at the bottom of the seniority list. Ick. But, this is my dream job so it will all be worth it! Sadly, male nurse who looks amazing in green scrubs left years ago :( I can't have it all! So, it's official. I'm now an employee on the Neuro Shock Trauma ICU at UVRMC...life is good.