Friday, November 22, 2013

Race Recaps

Warning: This is a REALLY long post. 
This fall, I signed crazy self up for two half marathons. It all started one day after I got home from the gym and was reading my favorite blog and an advertisement for the Big Cottonwood Canyon Half was on the sidebar of the page. I clicked on it solely because of the amazing fall leaves in the picture. Yes, I am a sucker for fall. I watched the short race video and by the end I was crying! Crying! I am not a cryer! I can't even blame it on monthly hormones. I was just so in love with the whole idea of running with fall leaves around me. I called my Mom who knew how far I couldn't run and my dislike for the sport, and told her that I was going to sign up for it. Her response was less than exciting because she probably thought I would change my mind after my first week of training. Before I dropped the dough (races are PRICY), I told myself I had to first run a 5 and 10K. So that's what I did! After that, I signed up and started upping my miles. I could go on and on about training but this is already boring enough. To summarize training = early mornings, good running partners, strategic potty timing, almost vomiting after eating my first and only GU, and discovering great remedies for chafing. TMI? I also know the location of every drinking fountain in Provo Canyon by heart. 

Big Cottonwood: I planned on running by myself (big mistake), but a friend dropped out at the last minute and my runner of a sister-in-law took her spot. Man was I grateful! I would've walked the last 3 miles because I was mentally done. She ran the whole thing without a problem and was nice enough to stay behind with me the whole time. It started with at 3:30 am wakeup call, a bus ride up the canyon, freezing for 1.5 hours at the starting line, a port a potty stop, and then we were off! The first 7 miles were straight down the curvy canyon. I didn't see many fall leaves (false advertising!!) but it was still so beautiful! I could hardly believe our pace, we were going considerably faster than my goal! I was feeling great until the very bitter end when I was just so sick of running. Thanks to my trusty Katy Perry and her Roar song (aka the best running song ever), I made it across the finish line! I don't care of this sounds cocky, but I was SO proud of myself! After months of early mornings, terrible shin splints, and a couple of breakdowns, I made it! We finished in 2:18. Slow for a lot of people, but 12 minutes faster than my goal. Go us!

This is a look of pure joy crossing the finish line. Check out that heel strike-ouch!

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Provo Canyon Halloween Half:
I signed up for this half before I had even run my first one! Crazy? Yes. My good running partner/friend Kasie had signed up and I wanted to do it with her. We landed the perfect race day. Not too hot, not to cold. Our costumes were minimal because you have to consider what you could actually wear for 13 miles. They changed the course last minute and instead of a downhill start at Sundance, we started at Deer Creek. This meant rolling hill after rolling hill. I was so nervous! Somehow, I champed right through...or over them. People's costumes kept me fairly entertained the whole time which helped a ton! Even though this was a harder course, I only had to stop once to massage (and threaten) my knee for about 45 seconds and once to strip down a layer. No walking for us! We finished at 2:18 and I think my final time was a few seconds better than Big Cottonwood. Not bad considering those hills! Some good friends were at the finish line waiting for us and they even made us a sign!

Hailey, me, Kas, Telley, Chelsie

Me and Kas

Rob and I

You've survived a very long post! Congrats. Now onto deciding my next race. Who wants to run it with me?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fall Time

Fall leaves. Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Running through fall leaves....that crunching noise makes me giddy! A lover boy who also makes me giddy. Skinny jeans and boots. I could go on and on for the reasons that I along with almost every female, loves fall. I'm currently one week in to three weeks off of work post-gallbladder and appendix removal, so I thought I would devote a few minutes of my endless hours to updating this lil blog. 

My little sister is no longer little. She's now 16, driving, dateable, and about 5 inches taller than me. I've been able to go to quite a few of her volleyball games this year, which are fairly entertaining when you add in my Dad's commentary and snack on his large bag of treats. She had a big 16th birthday party that was so fun! We roasted hot dogs and there were marshmallow covered brownies in abundance so you know that I was pretty much having the best day of my life. Plus, I ran 13.1 miles that morning, justifying eating my weight in my most favorite foods. I sat up a "photo booth" with some fantastic props. I knew her friends would like it, but I think they loved it! The boys even got really into it. Thanks for getting another year older Reag so we don't have to drive you everywhere, we can torture you over dating, and so that I could gain 5 lbs on your birthday brownies. Love ya!

The chicas at R's game in Park City on her birthday.
Ah, Celeste. It is so nice to have a friend who can appreciate the amazingness of Fall as much as me. This season, I have nearly peed my pants and cried (yes, at the same time) while running down Provo Canyon through the Fall splendor with her. We don't pass up the chance to stop and take a breather while snapping endless pics on our phones of the beauty around us. On a particularly lovely day, we went up to Sundance for an afternoon of tasty food and excellent people watching. Check out those leaves below! Beauty. 

My dear friend Alyece talked me into doing my first ever group bike ride. I was expecting a bit more of a race-like atmosphere but I was pleasantly surprised that people were just content to stroll around. The ride was 30 miles through Santiquin and Utah Lake. It was so much fun! We passed orchard after orchard and we both survived the 32 degree starting line temperature. Success. I can't wait to do another one!

Every two years, Josh Groban graces us with his presence here in Utah. I tend to only listen to him at Christmas time but man, that human can swoon me when he sings live. Ah, bliss! Josh (yes, first name basis) is charming, whitty, and great with the crowd. As much as I love his singing, I would be content to have him talk for two hours instead. It's Jocelyn and I's little tradition, and we are already looking forward to him in 2015. Please note the ladies behind us in the picture below. Can you say death? Eeeek! This picture frightened me! I left it un-cropped for your viewing pleasure.

And lastly, but certainly not least. The lover boy. Things are going well my friends. Very well. Being with him every single day is pretty much heaven. Cheesy but true! Our Fall activities include: a few last park dates (which include food, people watching, a little you know what ;) before the weather got cold, a day in Park City shopping, leaf strolling/running, lots and lots of Breaking Bad episodes, trips to my favorite barn for pumpkins and treats, a full moon lift ride at Sundance, a splendid day at Frightmares, a hot dog roast up the canyon with friends, a haunted house double date with Joc and Reed, and a few movies here and there. This past week has not been the best week of my life and I'm so so grateful for Rob for making it better! And my fam, shout out to them and their nurse-approved care following my slice and dice. Thank you!

Stay tuned for my race recaps! In case you didn't know, 13.1 miles is a long long ways.