In an effort to catch some sun and eat our weight in guac and virgin pina's, 3 good friends and I journeyed to the land of Cancun. For the first couple of days, our dreams had come true. Then during a bike ride into town, the heavens opened and the rain came down. And down. And down. We all survived a crazy storm that had us questioning our safety for about 8 hours. We spent more time than I would've liked watching the limited English channels on TV due to the endless rain. Luckily on our last 1.5 days, it warmed up and I managed to get fried. It's not a trip to Mexico if I don't resemble a lobster for a least part of it. Now enjoy some really unflattering images of me.
If you couldn't tell, I have this thing with jumping pictures. I feel they are necessary at all times and all places. I'm not good at many things in this life, but I can take a good (and a lot of bad) jumping pictures.
Renae, Chels, Steph, and I |
Right before the rain started. Little did we know. |
Me and Chels on the "lets get fried" day. |
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