I've been a busy girl. Between thinking I was going to die last week and lots of birthdays, I haven't had time to blog. Here is what's been going on in the land of Aubrey:
I went to my first Jazz game of the season, and was pleased to find out that my borrowed jersey represented the hottest player on the team. Between a few run ins with Salt Lake's finest citizens and "woof" (inside joke) references, it was quite the night!
Me, Steph, and Renae. Not Steph's finest moment. |
My favorite Kansas native, Kasie turned a year older and we celebrated her birth with a Duck Dynasty party. It was crazy fun! Sadly, or maybe not sadly, my entire outfit was either from my parents house or my roommate's closet. I was super proud of my outfit but I had some serious beard envy. I don't plan to return the camo sweats to my brother and have worn them several times since. Oddly enough, they're slightly flattering considering they're sweats. The camo pattern does miracles for my massive legs.
Is that Si? |
Last week I had the joy and honor of sporting what is referred to as a PAPR. This lovely white mask and Ghost Buster like backpack is worn to protect against diseases such as tuberculosis. It's not very fun to wear, but we made the best out of the situation and had a small Instagram modeling session. 13 hours of this outfit makes for a long day!
Jess and I off to save the day against acid fast bacteria. |
There's been a lot of birthdays in my life the past few weeks. I'm grateful for these winter born friends and family members because their birthday celebrations give us something to do in the boring months of January and February. One of the many is pictured below. Happy Birthday Jenny!
On the subject of birthdays, I'd like to do a spotlight on birthdays this week:
1. She makes the cutest children. Her little boy Dane is my favorite person under age 10.
2. I love having such a good friend at work. She always intently listens to my musings of a single life.
3. She makes damn good cake.
Garrett, my broski:
1. He is an amazing cook. Like really.
2. He is good at everything. Everything.
3. He is super supportive and constantly goes out of his way to help others.
Other events not captured on my iPhone include a girls night with steak and a Nicholas Spark movie (does it get any better?), dinner with a long, not so lost high school friend Matt, and car decorating for a friend's Valentine lover. Coming up is my yearly migration to Arizona and a girls trip to Moab to bask in the splendor of arch that is delicate.