1. Celebrated Mom's birthday with pedicures. Included in the price? Memorable Park City people watching. Man, there are some weirdos that call PC home....or their 5th home.
2. I got sick again! I wanted to cry when the symptoms started rearing their ugly heads. I finished up my antibiotics on Monday from my Valentines illness, got a two day break, and the cycle started. Throbbing ears, cutting throat pain, and body aches. Back to the doctor I went. I walked away with 10 more days of a different antibiotic, gauze and coban on my arm from a blood draw, and hopes that I wouldn't have to return for a good long while. For all my nursing friends: cross your fingers that 2 rounds of ABX in 2 weeks doesn't give me CDiff.
3. Nice things happen to me when I get sick. Last time it was a home massage. This time a friend came to my house at 0700 after working all night with a witch remedy for my ears. I wanted to hurl at the smell of garlic, but my ears were signing her praises. Thanks Celeste! I stopped at Noodles and Company for the first time ever after my doctors visit in an effort to find food soft enough to swallow. I don't know if they felt bad for how horrifying I looked, but they handed me a rice crispy treat the size of my head that I had been eyeing on my way out the door. How nice is that? And last but not least, my roommate gave me gel nails last night while watching a movie. She's a pro...and she's not even Asian.
4. I'm going to Arizona today! Woot! Woot! This will be my 4th yearly migration south. Every year as March comes along, I can't turn down the sunny skies and the opportunity to see some great friends of mine.
AZ 2012 |