2013 brings my 25th birthday. Eh. When did I get old? I'm going to read that sentence in 10 years and want to kick myself, but it just sounds bad. I usually take a trip to AZ for my birthday every year, but this year I took a trip and a party. I figured 25 is a big deal, so I needed to do something different. In the end, the party was fun but getting ready for it with a couple of good friends was the best part. Love these girls! We tied the theme in with St. Patty's since it was the next day, and decorated with lots of green. Good friends came along with some random acquaintances. We set up a photo booth and had tasty food. I consider it a success but it was way too much work to do again anytime soon!
Hailey, Chels, me, Steph, Jenni, and Renae |
My favorite Kamas girl! |
The planners/decorators. |
Roommates |
Steph and Renae's backsides. Bless them and their mesh panties. |
We'll end on that lovely shot.
Fun stuff! All you needed was some odoules! Hahaha. Glad it was a par-tay! Love ya girl