This weeks edition of TT is going to be a grateful Tuesday Tangents because it's all I can really think of right now. I'm just so dang grateful for my life!
1. I'm grateful for my sense of sight. I've done my fair share of traveling in my young life and I wouldn't trade the beautiful scenes and people that I've witnessed for anything. Sight is my favorite sense. Hearing music and smelling fresh bread are amazing, but seeing the fall leaves and rolling oceans are my favorite.
2. I'm grateful for my career. I love that I get paid to take care of people in their time of need. I love that when people ask what I do for a living that I can say that I'm a nurse. I love that I can improve someones day just by listening to their concerns and answering their questions. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my working life.
3. I'm grateful for my friends. My childhood friends: the faithful group of 7 aka "the posse". We pick up right where we left off when we get together and I'm so glad to be a part of their lives. Not many people can say that they are still friends with the same people that they were when they were kids. We have had our share of ups and downs but I sure do love them! My work friends: I work with the greatest people. We can laugh off bad days and make ourselves cry of laughter at our inappropriate comments. Yes, nurses to laugh at patients. It's our coping strategy when you drive us crazy...which is daily. My traveling friends: I don't know how else to word this constantly growing group. My travels and adventures have brought so many great people into my life! They have had such a profound effect on my life and made my journeys so memorable.
4. I'm grateful for my family. I love them. They would do anything for me and I love nothing more than sitting around our kitchen table teasing each other. I don't even mind that I'm usually the topic of these jabs.
5. I'm grateful for where I live. The politics get annoying and I hate how much money I lose to taxes but I'm so, so, so grateful to live here. I feel safe. That's the best way I can describe how I feel.
Until next Tuesday.