Thursday, October 4, 2012


I'm just a bit behind, so here's a summary and a bunch of pics. 
-I'm still loving my hikes and I'm officially obsessed with Utah scenery. I've taken it for granted but hot dang (yep, just used that term) it is beautiful! I plan to do a post devoted to my new hobby. Stay tuned! 
-The Train concert made me completely adore them! I was expecting a decent show but they were so fun live. 
-I went to the Pacific Partnership (the name of the trip I went on this summer) reunion. I got so see so many good friends from the Mercy. It was weird to see everyone out of their lovely blue shirts, humidity stricken hair, and khaki pants. 
-Whitney's baby shower. My good friend Whit is having a girl and I'm so excited! We met at Steph's cute house, had brunch, and caught up on each others life. As always, it was a good time!
-I moved! This is a BIG deal for me. I lived in the same condo for 3 years and I was ready for a change. I moved in with a friend in the same complex and I think it was a good choice! I didn't realize how much stuff I had until it came time to moving it. I need to stay far, far, far away from the mall. I'll post pics of my new digs when it's all put together. 
-I died my hair darker for the first time in 5 years. Also a huge deal. It's still pretty light but it's a big change for me. I'm not in love, but it's growing on me. 

Stewart Falls

Many attempts were made to use the camera timer.

Yet another Stewart Falls hike. I sure do love this place!
Train Concert. So good!!!
Mercy girls at the reunion

The cute new mom!
The "Posse"! Love these girls.

I've got a busy weekend with the USU vs BYU game, a hike, fall leaf excursions in Sundance,  Frightmares at Lagoon, work, and preparing for a much anticipated trip to Disneyland.

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