1. Days like to today, I not only support Global Warming, I pray for it.
2. Mondays are becoming the best day of the week. The Bachelor, Cafe Rio, and fun girls from my ward all crowded on one couch. Our commentary is slightly evil but sooo funny!
3. I had 2 separate conversations with 2 different people yesterday about the word "pannus". Google it. It happens to be my most my most favorite thing to chart at work. I even have my own grading system on a scale from 1-10 that is not scientific enough to document, but I use it for my own personal information. Grading is based on size, if the person can walk, how close the pannus hangs to to floor when the person is sitting, etc. Gross. I can't believe I'm typing this!
4. Continuing on the obese subject, this weekend there were more than the average amount of large patients on my floor. And by large, I mean 400 lbs. Needless to say, at the end of my shifts my back was killing me! I left a frustrated. Yesterday morning, I spent 2 hours at the gym doing Body Pump and Combat. Let's just say that my back feels like a baby elephant slept on it. Caring for the morbidly obese is good motivation to get my butt to the gym!
5. I am now the proud owner of the iPhone 5. My Mac family is now complete. They are all so beautiful! I'm convinced that if Apple made everything, the world would better...and more expensive.
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