Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday Tangents

1. Between the election and watching Taken 2, my heart rate is sustaining at about 120 beats per minute. And my left eye brow won't stop twitching.
2. I had a really good weekend which included but was not limited to: a very short motorcycle ride, preparing a lesson, seeing my friend's new baby, steak on the BBQ, seeing friends, a good session of Body Pump, a new trail that I actually enjoyed running on, no-bakes, and seeing my fam. It was real good.
3. Tomorrow I'm going to my dermatologist like I do several times a year only to hear over and over again how high risk my skin is for cancer. Every time he examines a new area, he says it again and again. Yep, he's sees every inch of this large mass. I walk out almost crying because I'm so sure I'm going to die at a young age. His tactics have worked, I stopped tanning 3 years ago. Now I'm pasty white, a connoisseur of good fake tanning lotion, and covered in scars from carving out "suspicious" areas of skin. 
4. I added another patient to my top 10 list today. This is prestigious. I like a lot of my patients but I only love a few of them. This 91 year old stole my heart today. I laughed all day. This is why I'm a nurse.
5. Speaking of old people. When I'm 91, I will be: covered in large jewelry including massive turquoise rings, my hair will be bright white, I'll have a little grandma belly, my boobs will NOT be droopy thanks to a plastic surgeon at age 50 (and again at 70), I'll be confused enough to be hilarious and oblivious to how sick or old I really am, sassy, a flirt with any male that is in my narrow field of vision, I'll toot whenever I want to and pretend that I didn't notice, a terror behind the wheel in my jazzy car, say inappropriate enough things to make those around me gasp, and I vow to walk as fast as my arthritis filled legs will take me. 

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