This week, I should be focusing on what I'm grateful for but the theme to be cops. Why cops? Because I've had my fair share of experience with Utah County Law Enforcement this week.
1. Right now, there are 5 cop cars parked in front of my townhouse/condo. 5. I had no idea until my roommate and I took out the garbage together and we just stood there gawking like geeks at the group of cops 2 doors down. (side note: I had no makeup on, no bra, and I my hair looked like I was breeding something in it. Good thing it was dark) I HAD to know what was going on. We finally got up the courage to walk over and ask. I've heard that there is a legitimately crazy lady living there and she rents out the extra rooms. Well it looks like she is officially nuts. One cop was packing a larger than normal gun (like my knowledge of firearms?) and everything. They said that "there has been a dispute" and "she is thought to have owned a gun at some point and may own one now". Clarification: I do not live in the ghetto! I live in a nice place but right now I feel like I'm in the hood. EEEK!
2. I have to be vague, but lets just say today was the best day of my nursing career. A patient was taken out in a dramatic fashion including handcuffs and 4 cops CARRYING him to the cop car because he was trying to escape. It was awesome! I was hoping for a little drama but it was out of control. Best day ever.
3. So, remember the hit and run that I witnessed on Friday? Well thanks to my Gossip Girl inspired skills, I stalked the Utah County jail website and found the culprit! I was expecting some college age freak but I found something very 18 year old barbie blonde! Looks like she got a little out of control with some illegal substances and took her car for a joy ride. Her mugshot is less than cute but I took it a step further-Facebook! She popped right up. I couldn't have been more shocked! She has 4 significant charges against her so I'm wondering if Mattel would consider making a Jailhouse Barbie?
It's been quite a week with the men in blue!
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