1. I just received an email saying that my November Birchbox has been shipped! If you haven't heard of Birchbox then Google it. I was on the waiting list for a few weeks and my time has finally come! I'll have to post about it later after I've tried a few of the products.
2. I went through the Taco Bell drive thru for a friend tonight and I didn't get anything for myself. Never in the history of my life have I turned down a fast food taco. Love me some cheap Mexi food.
3. In the next few weeks I have to make some major decisions about my summer. Do I continue to post-pone my career goal? Do I live up the single life of freedom for another year? Do I stay in the states and choose a fancy summer vacation? Do I go on the ship again to serve people who I will end up loving and jeopardize my job again? Ah! Decisions. But, I'm grateful that I have choices and the fact that I'm fortunate enough to do any of these things!
4. Somehow I was put in charge of planning a beard contest this week at work to commemorate the end of "No-shave November" or as we call it on the 3rd floor, "Novembeard". Yes, I'm a beard-less female and I don't really care for facial hair in general, so how did I get roped into this?
5. I went to my hometown singles ward on Sunday and I have never felt so old and out of place in my life! These are kids I babysat! And I'm not even that OLD!!! It was a long 3 hours.
6. Aside from 3 awkward hours at church, I had a great 5 days at home. My moms cooking, bonding time with the sibs, morning runs with my sister, Christmas decorating, a motorcycle ride with my cute little brother, shopping, Chinese food, a short nap during the movie Lincoln, and being just being HOME.
I refuse to ever go to the singles ward again. Last time I went, I felt like I was 2039 years older than everyone. I could only tolerate Sacrament.